Msgr. Wogan Stadium Renovation
If you have driven by St. Pius X, you have seen the massive transformation happening at the Stadium! We were so excited to host home football and soccer games on a beautiful turf field this past fall.In December 2018, a generous benefactor announced a $2 Million gift to St. Pius X designated to Stadium renovations. This gift enabled us to begin construction last spring so that the field would be ready by the first games of the fall season. With this lead gift, we have been able to install the turf and new lighting as well as re-do the bleachers and parking lot. "This project is truly transformational to our campus," comments Principal Joe Monachino, "I am awed by the generosity of our lead donor and very grateful to them for helping us jump-start this long needed improvement." Although we were able to host football and soccer games this fall, the renovation is not entirely complete. It's estimated that an additional $2 million will finish the renovation. This includes additional concrete and prep work on the site; a press box; and a building that will house the concession stand, locker rooms, and an outdoor viewing deck for fans. "With a project like this, in order to save money in the long run, there are certain things that need to happen in a certain order," Monachino continues, "We needed to remove the old concession stand and press box before we started the field, even though we don't have the money in hand to re-construct them at this time. We worked to get the Stadium usable for our athletes as soon as possible. We are now seeking donations from our entire community to help us finish the project." |
For more information about the Campaign, please call
Melanie Martin at 816-453-3450 x115